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The Negative Effects of Stress on Your Life


New research by Ulrike Malmendier, Berkeley Haas’ Edward J. and Mollie Arnold Professor of Finance says the effects of stress can be immense and it can literally take years off your life. Especially if you are a CEO.

Malmendier, along with a team of researchers examined anti-takeover laws going back to the mid-1980s. They then correlated the dates of their enactment with the lifespans of approximately 1,600 CEOs serving at large, publicly listed U.S. firms between 1970 and 1991. They also tracked CEOs affected by industry turmoil, like the financial crisis of 2007–08.

They found that regardless of the source, the effects of stress led CEOs in high-pressure jobs to visibly age much faster and die much earlier than those in lower-stress roles.

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