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Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is on the decline in our ever-advancing society, particularly in the corporate world. Industries tend to select the fewest number of sustainable practices possible, resulting in the worsening of the planet’s state and a negative impact on living standards. The topic of establishing sustainability is critical since it is critical for the planet’s state to improve. Industries must implement sustainable procedures and reduce their emission levels. Florence Leong, Executive Advisor at NUS Enterprise, discusses how marketing mojo was applied to sustainability in this NUS BizBeat article.

Sustainable practices

The article opens with a brief introduction to Florence Leong. Florence worked as an Executive Advisor at NUS Enterprise, where she helped to commercialize NUS-developed life science technology. Kosmode Health was co-founded by Professor Huang Dejian of the NUS Food Science and Technology department. According to the article, Kosmode Health’s aim and vision are to provide access to natural health by valorizing food processing waste for human nutrition. One of the first sustainable practices covered in the article involves increasing the value of food processing waste. According to the article, Barley beans are utilized in the creation of beer and energy beverages. If traditional techniques are to be considered, starch is extracted from the beans and added to the beverages, while the waste product known as wasted barley grains is utilized in fertilizers and animal feed. Most of the time, it ends up in a landfill. Florence, on the other hand, believes that because these beans are high in protein and fiber, they have more use than only as fertilizer and animal feed. By extracting protein fiber from this waste for human nutrition, Kosmode Health helps people understand and appreciate the importance of these nutrients. Second, Kosmode Health wanted to introduce to noodle makers the notion of a protein fiber zero glycemic response premix to generate functional noodles. As a result, W0W protein fiber noodles were manufactured and began selling online to illustrate the need for this food category. According to the report, another reason for manufacturing noodles is that noodles are a basic meal. Ending the article on a note on Kosmode Health’s future goals, it is indicated that Kosmode Health is now focusing on producing functional high-protein fiber rice with minimal glycemic response. Its success will solve the issue of high-starch rice and noodles in the Asian staple diet, eliminating carbohydrates while providing a source of protein and fiber.

Firms that take the initiative to develop more and more sustainable practices should be commended for their contribution to a cleaner environment. The preceding article describes one such business and its efforts to incorporate successful sustainable practices.

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