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GPT-4 or ChatGPT: Which of the Two is Better?

ChatGPT is one of the most significant recently developed AI tools, gaining traction due to its unique ability to provide extensive responses on a variety of topics. It is a chatbot powered by OpenAI that interacts with the user in an unanticipated manner. It has been designed to reply to follow-up inquiries, acknowledge errors, query incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Because of its remarkable capacity to imitate human writing, companies are already employing it as writing software to generate and disseminate content. However, another recently released OpenAI software, GPT-4, has caught up to ChatGPT’s superiority. As a result, this article on the MIT Technology Review website examines two of the most recent pieces of OpenAI software and determines which is superior: GPT-4 or ChatGPT.

The article begins by stating that OpenAI has officially launched GPT-4, a next-generation advanced language model that has been touted for most of the past year. According to the article, while the company’s last unexpected hit, ChatGPT, was still a hot topic of discussion, it moved ahead and released a larger and improved version of the application, the GPT-4. Yet, the report adds that while the company claims GPT-4 is substantially superior to ChatGPT, it has yet to identify the specific reasons why. As a result, the question of which of the two software, GPT-4 or ChatGPT, is superior remains unanswered. According to the article, GPT-4 is a multimodal big language model that can respond to both text and visuals. The application truly demonstrates its potential with its unique ability to answer user-input queries depending on the visual scenario presented and provide clever responses to logical inquiries. The article continues by stating that mixing text and graphics might help multimodal models better grasp the world. GPT-4 may be able to address standard language model weaknesses such as spatial thinking. As a result, the article outlines that when determining whether GPT-4 or ChatGPT is superior, GPT-4 looks to be superior at certain fundamental thinking than ChatGPT. It also outperforms ChatGPT on human tests, including the Uniform Bar Exam. But, GPT-4 may still generate biased, inaccurate, and violent content, and it can also be hacked to avoid its guardrails, according to the article. Though the company argues that its safety testing is adequate for GPT-4 to be used in third-party apps, it also admits that safety is a process rather than a binary idea.

More advanced and enhanced tools are frequently developed in order to make it simpler for workers to interact with the tools and complete their tasks. The preceding text suggests which of the two recent OpenAI releases, GPT-4 or ChatGPT, is more efficient.

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