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building strong teams

The Art of Building Strong Teams

Building strong teams is essential for organizational success and is a significant managerial responsibility. Effective teams drive productivity, foster innovation, and enhance job satisfaction, creating a thriving workplace. However, assembling and nurturing such teams presents several challenges. Managers must navigate diverse personalities, balance power dynamics, and align individual goals with team objectives. Communication barriers and conflicts can impede collaboration, requiring adept conflict resolution and interpersonal skills. Additionally, ensuring all team members are committed to shared goals and maintaining motivation can be daunting. Strong teams are crucial, as they lead to better decision-making, efficient problem-solving, and a positive organizational culture. Managers play a pivotal role in facilitating an environment where trust, respect, and open communication flourish. Hence, this podcast episode on The Modern Manager channel highlights a CCC model for building strong teams.

According to the episode, building strong teams is crucial for managerial success, requiring an understanding of different team types. The episode suggests there are three types: performance groups, pseudo teams, and real teams. Performance groups work individually, pseudo teams lack clear responsibility, and real teams integrate skills for shared outcomes. The episode suggests the CCC model for building strong teams, involving Commit, Combust, and Combine phases. Commit means members dedicate themselves to the team’s goals. Combust addresses power dynamics, while Combine builds trust and high-functioning collaboration. According to the episode, managers should seek diversity in mindset and behavior, not just expertise, to foster creativity and mitigate groupthink. The episode suggests clarifying the team’s objective is crucial for commitment and reducing friction. Ultimately, understanding team types and implementing effective leadership strategies can enhance workplace productivity and success.

Building strong teams can seem daunting for managers at times. The aforementioned are a few tips to achieve this goal effectively.

National University of Singapore Business School Accelerated Management Program

Cherish Kaur

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