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The Time Has Come to Successfully Deploy Machine Learning

In the real world, we are surrounded by people who can learn from their experiences, as well as computers or robots that follow our commands. Can a machine, like a human, learn from previous experiences or data? Thankfully, the rise of machine learning has made this possible. Machine learning is a new method that allows computers to learn on their own from accessible data. A number of algorithms are used in the technology to build mathematical models and make predictions based on past data or information. However, according to this MIT Technology Review article, now may be the moment for organizations to move beyond testing and completely adopt machine learning

The article opens by claiming that after decades of study and development, largely in academia and large-scale initiatives, machine learning is making inroads into every aspect of modern business, from chatbots to tractors and financial markets to medical research. However, the article claims that firms are having difficulty transitioning from individual use cases to organizational-wide adoption for a variety of reasons, including insufficient or improper data, skill gaps, ambiguous value propositions, and worries about risk and accountability. According to the research, businesses do invest in sophisticated AI/ML, but they struggle to scale these technologies across the enterprise. As a result, deployment success necessitates a talent and skills plan. The difficulty is getting core data scientists. Firms require hybrid and translator skills to drive AI/ML design, testing, and governance, as well as a workforce strategy to guarantee that all users participate in technology development. Companies that are competitive should provide clear opportunities, advancement, and influence for their employees. According to the article, upskilling and engagement are critical for the broader workforce to promote AI/ML advances. The article also advises that machine learning teams be rewarded for keeping current on AI/ML data science breakthroughs. Finally, the article proposes that businesses implement a responsible AI plan that includes comprehensive data provenance, risk assessment, and checks and controls. Technical solutions, such as automatic flagging for AI/ML model flaws or hazards, are required, as are social, cultural, and other corporate changes.

Machine learning is one of the major technologies that is increasingly transforming workplaces. The preceding text implies its deployment state and the steps required to achieve it.

To dive deeper into importance of technology and how sustainability and innovation affects the world of business, visit MIT PE Technology Leadership Program (TLP).

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