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The Importance of Forming Human Networks

A look at the present business arena around the world immediately demonstrates the crucial role that a chief information officer plays in an organization. Renowned chief information officer of American Airlines Maya Leibman, in her TED talk, enunciates the value of forming human networks and the relevance that it holds in relation to the success of an organization.

Despite the role being rooted in technological aspects, Leibman cautions that a chief information officer must possess the awareness that there is no technological substitute that can replace human contact. Real interactions are the most profound way to be able to relate to each other, she explains. This is because they allow people to connect and relate to each other’s experience and thereby, brings forth improved collaboration and cooperation. She propagates the concept of forming human networks by advocating open office in enterprises using the Allen Curve and reiterates that nothing furthers clarity in communication and connection as much as accessibility. Citing experiments and studies, Leibman explains that such human associations inevitably invoke a positive work environment and even boosts efficiency, in the long run. She even proceeds to elucidate how a game as simple as Dungeons and Dragons that requires proximity to others is based upon the idea that careful coordination with others and mutual understanding is non-negotiable so as to reach a desired objective, in the end.

The benefits of developing and forming human networks and connections, too, likewise is an essential aid to progress further towards a sought-after destination, Leibman states. Thus, the fact that not seclusion but collective enterprise by means of human contact can evoke groundbreaking solutions is the essential truth based on which a CIO must function in order to truly succeed and evoke positive outcomes in an organization.

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