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The Functions of a Chief Data Officer

In a business world largely dependent on and determined by data, it goes without saying that the role of a chief data officer is crucial. Ronald Van Loon, in his video, presents Head of Enterprise Data Transformation at SAP North America, Maria Villar’s take on what ideally constitutes the function of the chief data officer.

To begin with, Maria explains that the chief data officer or CDO is the senior-most designation in enterprises responsible for developing strategies catering to the utilization of data and exploring the potential that comes along with it to further business interests. She states that while earlier the role of a CDO was mostly considered as more of an augmentative or a supplementary role, with the advent of the data revolution, it has emerged as a groundbreaking capacity that brings forth paramount outcomes in this data-driven reality. For an organization to truly benefit from the available data, a CDO should carefully discern, analyze and evaluate the possible utility of such resources. Alongside, the role also encompasses the responsibility to furnish such modes and techniques that will align with the objectives of an enterprise so as to enable the actualization of the vision, as a whole, she concludes.

The increasing reliance of every sector on technology, by the day, enhances the importance of data around the world as well. In this evolving reality, the role of a chief data officer or CDO is one that will gain further relevance and will emerge as one of the most sought-after designations in the days to come.

MIT PE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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