How Can You Make Better Use of Your Time?
Time management is the one skill that can boost one’s productivity. People who are always overwhelmed by deadlines and a lack of time must carefully examine what activities take up the bulk of their time. Time management is a skill that everyone can benefit from throughout their lives. It is also a necessary ability if you wish to advance in your career. Furthermore, getting more done in less time results in a sense of productivity, which leads to increased work satisfaction. As a result, this YouTube video from the Harvard Business Review channel proposes a few useful tips to make better use of your time.
The video opens by implying that a normal person’s day consists of crossing off chores on their to-do lists. However, if people do not feel productive or efficient at the end of the day, it has a negative impact on their mental and physical health. As a result, the video proposes that the first step in order to make better use of your time is to match your daily tasks with your body clock rather than the other way around. Everyone has their own energy peak hours during the day, which the video indicates are the ideal to pick as working hours. Second, the video proposes that you organize your day the night before. Making sure your day is productive, according to the video, entails establishing your top goals and precisely structuring your calendar to get them done. The video indicates that having a vision for the day makes it much simpler to make the day emerge like it. The video also indicates that developing distinct routines for different types of work might be beneficial. As an example, you may allocate multiple places to different types of jobs. Alternatively, you might work at different times of the day. This, according to the video, aids in gaining a fresh perspective each time you take on a new work, reducing the likelihood of exhaustion. Finally, the video proposes dispelling the myth that, in order to be productive, your calendar must be totally packed during work hours. According to the video, it is just as crucial to make time for real life as it is to get your work done. As a result, scheduling breaks is an efficient strategy to make better use of your time and increase your productivity.
In order to make better use of your time, you do not need to take up more than what you can actually finish in a week on a single day. Rather, it entails diligent preparation, taking care of oneself, and remaining consistent. The preceding text offers a few useful pointers to help you make better use of your time.