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Clients or Customers: Is it Wiser to Rotate Clients or Develop Long-term Associations

The success of a business is chiefly determined by the satisfaction of its clients or customers. However, one common doubt that business enterprises often encounter is whether to foray into the avenue of rotating clients or customers with whom to sustain durable associations. In this podcast episode by Marketing School, Neil Patel and Eric Siu address this very same question and provide an insight into understanding this issue that most business professionals deal with on an everyday basis.

The episode mentions that for an enterprise that is just starting out its endeavor, it is implausible to devote resources to building long-term relations with clients or customers. However, as an organization gains its foothold over the market and carves out its own niche, it is then time to invest in building sustainable relations with the customer base. Neil and Eric affirm that from then on, rather than focusing on one-time transactions, interactions and negotiations with customers should be viewed as credible investments to rely on in the future. This ensures that even if specific clients or customers move through multiple organizations or sectors in terms of their professional journey, they will keep seeking the service of the enterprise that they had been associated with, since the beginning.

Thus, long-term associations with clients or customers are one way to ensure that an organization can better focus on the ways to curate and develop their vision and their objectives for the near future without having to shift through multiple avenues to ensure customer satisfaction.

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