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Why Young Professionals are Increasingly Taking Career Breaks

A unique tendency has recently emerged among professionals in their late twenties and thirties, driving many to take prolonged career breaks. Young employees are increasingly appreciating the need to live a more balanced life, which includes physical and mental well-being, happiness, and a sense of independence. As individuals choose employment that aligns with their personal beliefs, an increased understanding of mental health plays a critical part in this transformation. However, pursuing a work-life balance may come at the expense of limited advancement opportunities and lower compensation. This NUS Bizbeat article explains what motivates these young professionals to leave their jobs or prefer taking career breaks and how this tendency is exclusive to their age group.

According to the article, a growing trend among employees in their late twenties and thirties is taking career breaks due to burnout, as they choose a more balanced life, better mental health, and alignment with personal beliefs. While this option may result in fewer prospects for advancement and lower income, the article claims that the benefits of a well-balanced existence outweigh the expenses. The article highlights the ongoing need to keep up with quickly changing technology, particularly in tech organizations with younger workforces. This phenomenon is unique to this age group and is motivated by a plethora of employment possibilities, less financial pressure, and a desire to explore multiple professional routes. According to the article, companies can tackle this tendency by providing flexibility, while individuals could improve time management and self-identity. Open communication, self-assessment, and a strategic career approach are essential for balancing mental health, the article concludes.

A growing number of young professionals are opting for career breaks. While this trend is unique to those in their 20s and 30s, it presents both advantages and challenges. The preceding text offers critical tips to deal with the situation effectively.

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