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Dealing With Your Business Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety in the workplace is challenging, but it is all too frequent among business executives. Anxiety that is mismanaged may cause chaos in a company’s productivity and profits. This can be harmful to a company’s growth. Anxiety may stifle your growth and disrupt your productivity, resulting in negative consequences for both you and your company. As a result, in order to think and function efficiently with your business, you must understand dealing with your business anxiety. Ajit Nawalk, a serial entrepreneur, worldwide educator & consultant, co-founder of Mindvalley Teach, Evercoach, and Global GRIT Institute, and author of The Book of Coaching and Live Big, offers a few techniques to deal with in this ‘Entrepreneurs On Fire’ podcast episode.

Ajit explains that, with the growing usage and concentration on social media, aspiring entrepreneurs spend a significant amount of time looking at other entrepreneurs, with the purpose of learning and getting inspiration from them, but they may also terrify them. This not only generates a lot of competition but also makes people feel like they are always behind and not doing enough. According to Ajit Nawalk, this is referred to as social comparison, and it causes anxiety. If you are experiencing this, Ajit suggests evaluating your life rather than comparing it to others. Comparing your advancement to that of others is more likely to cause concern, but comparing your current growth with your own past self will almost surely result in gratitude as it will make you focus on the progress you have made. This is one of the most effective ways to deal with your business anxiety. Ajit then moves on to the second point in the discussion, suggesting ways to deal with your business anxiety. He claims that if you assume that the top entrepreneurs spend a significant amount of their day, which he defines as 10 to 12 hours, you are mistaken. Entrepreneurs, he claims, work towards building something that allows them to work without having to grind, and that gives them freedom. Working a significant portion of your day to do it only because you have been taught it is the only way is incorrect. Since you will continually be wound up, you will lose interest in life. He asserts that there is a distinction between pursuing our passion and living our mission. What drives a company’s success is a group of people working together to achieve a similar objective, not the amount of time spent to get there. He suggests that the most frequent technique to cause anxiety in your team and for yourself is to build yourself up and drive your team to do so by placing big objectives in front of them that they must meet in a short period of time.

As a result, it is prudent to work productively toward your goal. Dealing with your business anxiety is critical in order to be effective in your operations. However, panic is the normal reaction to anxiety, which costs a lot of time. However, with the strategies outlined in this Entrepreneurs On Fire podcast episode, by Ajit Nawalk, you may be able to effectively manage your business’s anxiety.

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