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Remote Working: Tips to Enhance Productivity

While technological advancement around the globe had already ushered in and popularised the concept of remote working, the insurgence of the pandemic has made it a non-negotiable part of the professional reality. Beth Braccio Hering, in an article on FlexJobs, shares ten tips that must be followed so as to enhance productivity while working remotely.

The very first step aimed to benefit remote working is to have a dedicated workspace even while working from home so as to bring in a certain degree of professionalism and to aid concentration. This must be followed with an ardent intent to avoid all sorts of distractions and the creation of a proper schedule to adhere to along with the utilization of time management techniques so as to make the most of the working hours. The next tip elaborates on the vital necessity of socialization which includes regular communication with colleagues and fellow workers as well as having a social life outside work. Alongside, it is also important, Beth reminds, to duly interact with family members and articulate to them the non-negotiable professional boundaries that come with remote working. Further, in order to ensure that the productive output does not go downhill while working remotely, it is also crucial to start off with the most difficult task right at the beginning and then move on to the relatively easier ones. Breaking down goals into smaller, achievable targets is also bound to help maintain that productive streak, Hering writes.

While remote working should not compromise with the quality of work or the objectives to be accomplished, it is also necessary to take regular breaks and rest, once in a while, Beth states. This, along with the acceptance that not every day is bound to be equally productive, will ensure maximum, credible output even while one is working from home, in this post-pandemic era.

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