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How Artificial Intelligence is Creating Artificial Humans

Technology has had a profound influence on not only workplaces but the entire world. Artificial intelligence is one of the most deeply established paradigms of all technologies. AI has also had a positive impact on company operating models since it allows more to be done with less investment, time, and energy, allowing the remaining components to be used for something more productive. Since so much progress has been made using this single paradigm, there has been speculation about the construction of artificial people that, based on the principles of the technology, may be difficult to discern from genuine ones. The article on MIT Technology Review provides an outline of how AI is assisting in the construction of artificial beings who sound and look just like us.

Artificial intelligence is creating artificial humans

According to the article, AI has become a key component of how we think about autonomous animation and how it enables us to create robots more similar to people. We can have more advanced interactions with them. As a result, the freshly created digital individuals, known as avatars, are rendered in the cloud and transmitted as a video stream from the cloud into the device. You may experience them similarly to a virtual call, with the exception that you are conversing with a digital person rather than a real one. Avatars are becoming increasingly popular in the entertainment sector as celebrities seek new methods to interact with their audience. This enables superstars to communicate with their followers without sacrificing their presence. The main job begins when soul machines capture the physical appearance and expressions of the person being digitized. The article adds that artists work with partners to duplicate the sounds and then the voices can be taught based on existing audio recordings to explain how these avatars can so readily recreate the exact same voices. Creating your digital human being allows you to repair whatever you may be insecure about in your physical body. For example, if you tend to get nervous, you may eliminate this in your digital copy and train it in that manner. One of the biggest challenges with developing digital partners is that the content must be curated in the same manner that celebrities curate their social media content. As in, they must be trained to behave, speak, and express themselves in the same manner as a genuine human. The article briefly highlights the numerous uses of this technology that are being tested in areas ranging from customer service to law enforcement. The technology is also employed in healthcare and education, according to the publication.

Artificial intelligence has firmly established itself in the technological world, with one of its most astounding uses being the construction of artificial digital beings, as indicated in the preceding paragraph.

To dive deeper into the effects and uses of AI, especially in the world of business, visit MIT PE Technology Leadership Program (TLP).

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