When Should You Expand Marketing at Your Company?
It goes without saying that the success of an enterprise is exponentially determined by the marketing strategy that it opts for. In this podcast by Marketing School, Neil Patel and Eric Siu address a specific doubt related to marketing that is common among most business professionals and entrepreneurs. They delve into the raging question of what is the correct moment to expand marketing and provide a solution to quell the very same doubt.
The key to determining the essence to expand marketing, as per the podcast, is the appropriate allotment of resources. Neil and Eric caution that despite the paucity of funds, marketing should never be neglected and should always be perceived as an investment that will reap positive outcomes, in the days to come. As for the correct moment to expand marketing, the podcast designates waiting for one particular mode of marketing to have gained a strong foothold and only then proceed to multiple avenues from thereon. However, if there is an excess of resources in terms of finance, people, or even time and an individual is unsure about where exactly to devote it to, the remedy lies in choosing to expand marketing above everything else. As long as an enterprise is recording steady growth, marketing is one conduit that should be invested in without the least of apprehension, the video affirms.
While strategically charting out a credible marketing blueprint is important, keeping in mind these pointers will help business professionals decide on the correct moment to expand marketing and acquire success, in the long run.