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What You Need to Know to Ace Executive-Level Interviews

Award-winning author Andrew LaCivita discusses what you need to know to ace executive-level interviews and get that job.

The well-known career expert begins by saying he has 12 things that must be done to ace the executive-level interviews but it is also great for those in mid-level positions. And while they might not be able to do all 12, they should try as many as possible.

The very first, most important thing is research. You must do your own research about the company and their work. And that means details of how they conduct their business, whether it is their competitive market analysis, their competition, and more. The idea is that you shouldn’t ask a question at the interview that you could have found the answer to by doing some research. He then goes on to explain How you should tailor your conversation to be better received by the interviewer and the details you should focus on to make a better impression including your personality, choice of words, and context.

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