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The Guide to Managing Emotions at Work

Emotions are quite subjective. Since everyone has their own unique way of understanding things, they have distinct feelings for each circumstance. While positive feelings may instill enthusiasm and excitement in the workplace, negative emotions appear to obstruct the growth of a productive and healthy team. There are various situations in the workplace when you may not like how a conversation with someone unfolds or you may not like someone else’s point of view on anything because it does not align with your beliefs. As a result, it is crucial that you understand why managing emotions at work is critical and how you can do so. Since it might be tough at times, this podcast episode on The Modern Manager channel provides four effective techniques for doing so. 

The episode implies that self-reflection is the first step in regulating emotions at work. Emotions are quite natural. What is not natural is our awareness of it. We frequently discover too late that whatever disagreement happened was caused by a certain emotion at a specific time. As a result, the episode implies that the first step is to recognize what is happening. It might be sweating during a discussion or feeling queasy in the stomach; therefore, the key to this is attention. Second, the episode advocates identifying the feeling you are experiencing and then working on it to feel better. The episode also encourages assessing the level of emotion to determine whether it is manageable or excessive. According to the episode, the third stage in managing emotions at work is to accept. The episode implies that the loop of “what I should have/could have” is never-ending. As a result, admitting what happened and that the circumstances were difficult for you will help you heal faster. Finally, the episode recommends allowing yourself time to process. According to the episode, your mind might settle down before your body. As a result, it is vital to provide adequate time for not just your mind but also your body to comprehend it thoroughly. 

Managing emotions at work is essential for maintaining your mental health. The suggestions above are a few ways to effectively manage your emotions at work. 


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