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The Effect of Work Stress on Leaders

It’s no secret that the corporate job induces stress in employees at every level of the hierarchical ladder.  But it has now been learned that the higher up on the corporate ladder, the more the stress. This article, authored by Jay Fitzgerald, for Forbes addresses the harmful effect of the stress on leaders in their pursuit to rise higher and achieve more in the corporate world.

A study by Harvard Business School Professor Tom Nicholas that recorded data from over 1,000 employees at General Electric has revealed that stress can literally lower your life expectancy. The study includes data starting from the 1930s. In order to carry out this study, Nicholas looked into the employees’ work and lifestyles from the GE headquarters at the time in Schenectady, New York. The study shows that the higher-level business executives died three to five years earlier than expected when compared to lower-level workers at the same company.

The overall health of employees has gained some attention since it is increasing being proved that higher stress is connected with lower productivity not just lowering their lifespan.This proves that effect of the stress on leaders is dangerous.

Source: Forbes India

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