Impact of Automation on the Future of Workplaces
Automation is a technique that may be utilized to reduce human input in a variety of fields. This provides a chance for organizations to have their personnel work on more vital activities, allowing them to save time that would otherwise be spent performing the same task. It also greatly enhances the possibilities of the result being error-free, because a machine can only operate on a pre-defined set of rules and hence cannot make any mistakes, except in rare circumstances where human intelligence is required to intervene. This leads to increased production while using less time and energy from employees, ensuring a pleasant work environment. Sunil S. Ranka, a leader and investor, analyzes the impact of automation on the future of workplaces in this TEDx video, so you may comprehend the positives and downsides as best suited for your company’s culture.
Automation in the future of workplaces
Sunil Ranka begins his talk by emphasizing the need of accepting and embracing change in order to progress in life. He compares this required adjustment to the benefits of technical developments for businesses. Over the last several years, technology has grown substantially, with the introduction of a range of new sectors, one of which is automation. However, he points out that this has resulted in a reduction in human labor because their jobs have been taken over by robots. He goes on to say that while introducing technology into the workplace has resulted in the loss of a few jobs, it has also generated the potential for greater jobs that require highly qualified workers. He says that in order to run smoothly, every area will require automated processes, and so it is critical to comprehend the impact of automation on the future of workplaces. It is prudent to deploy proper technology and program it to operate according to set rules so that it can handle repeating jobs rather than having a human workforce spend most of their day executing the same task until the needed number is reached. Automation not only makes it simpler for employees to operate efficiently and make better use of their time, but it also gives them constant help with a variety of duties. However, according to Sunil, this has a negative influence on workplaces as well since human interactions would be significantly reduced. But, in his opinion, this will only make staff more empathetic. He recommends viewing automation as an opportunity to improve one’s work rather than a threat. Working with automation can also help you achieve a better work-life balance since you will have more time to spend with your dear ones. You can use the additional time to acquire a new skill or follow a personal interest. While human intellect is essential for ethics and decision-making, computers may be used to undertake repetitive jobs, making them much easier for employees.
Automation, among the myriad of technologies that firms must function with, is critical to utilize in organizations since it not only benefits employees but also helps organizations minimize operating expenses by reducing the utilization of resources needed to complete repetitive operations. Listen to this presentation by Sunil S. Raina in this TEDx video to gain a better picture of the impact of automation on the future of the workplaces.