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How To Beat the Challenges of Working From Home

Working from home or working remotely, has become commonplace due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A large part of the world’s working population is currently working from home. While there are multiple benefits of this new way of working, the sudden shift to working from home has posed some challenges to become accustomed to.

So, if you are planning on starting work from home or are already working from home, here are a few challenges of working from home and how you can overcome them.

1. Communication issues

This is one of the most persistent challenges of working from home. When working from home, it is difficult for the whole team to stay on the same page; emails, video calls, phone calls often remove much of the nicety from your communication and could introduce miscommunication. Here is how to avoid communication issues;

  • Communicating online often leaves room for ambiguity, so verify the assigned work with your team members or employees through a call, conference calls, or email. The same goes for any self-employed individual who is constantly communicating with clients/vendors online or virtually.
  • Make use of collaboration tools like Slack to keep daily communication on track. If you choose Zoom or Slack for video conferences and calls then make sure that everyone on the team uses it.
  • Build team spirit and focus by introducing cultural or collaborative team activities. This will help instill a sense of balance in your team. Set guidelines for the use of email, video chats, and other tools so that no one is left unheard during your meetings. Make sure you create a shared view of the plans to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Technical and technological challenges

Technical and technological issues are unavoidable challenges of working from home. Working from home doesn’t allow for a computer technician to be available every time something unfortunate happens to your laptop or other technical tools. Technology has enabled people with the convenience of working from home, but it does have some drawbacks. The most challenging part of working remotely or from home is bad network infrastructure, poor cybersecurity and in addition, the typical home network is built around consumer-grade network structures. Remote workers may experience problems with the real-time services such as internet lags and several other connectivity issues. This interrupts productive workflow and also communication. While connectivity issues are inevitable, some areas have it worse than others. So, ensure that you have the right technology to support your connectivity. Speak with your network provider to find a more suitable option for the heavier usage due to working remotely. You could add an extra extension router if the problem persists. Also, run WIFI speed tests to determine what works best for you.

Also remember that your team might be facing the same challenges. So share your findings with the whole team so that they can also have their work from home setup ready and functioning.

3. Networking

Don’t forget to continue networking while working from home. Networking is an essential part of business. Attend as many online or virtual networking events as possible, join Slack communities and build online relationships. Networking takes effort and hard work, but it all pays off when your clients are impressed with your commitment and knowledge. Networking will help your business grow so it is essential even while not being able to physically meet people. Don’t let networking become one of the challenges of working from home.

4. Language and cultural differences

Working remotely introduces you to a rich mix of languages and cultural backgrounds. Having a cultural understanding of the people you are working with is vital. You may find yourself in a position to recognize which aspect of remote working is difficult for a certain member of your group and how you can help them. Misunderstanding due to differences in language or culture can be solved by creating a simple framework that will enable all team members to understand how every member is different. This helps develop an awareness of the need for people to understand each-other’s cultural backgrounds.

All members of a culturally mixed team should be fully aware of the misunderstandings that might occur. Expressing patience while communicating will ensure neither party is offended or misunderstood. Always keep the lines of communication open and encourage discussing things that might not be clear.

5. Different time zones and locations

Among the different challenges of working from home, this one can be easily solved with planning and consistency. One of the most common issues while working from home is working with teams from different time zones. When one of your teammates is asleep you might be getting ready for work. This means that you may not be able to clarify a pressing matter or resolve another matter immediately. The solution to this problem is to be more flexible when working with others in different time zones. In order to learn how to collaborate across time zones, create guidelines and processes for your team members. Over time it will get easier. You can also use Slack to collaborate. It will also help to always keep the team updated so that no one misses out on information and updates when they were not working.

6. Negative emotions and feelings of loneliness

The lack of human interaction can be very distressing, especially if you live alone. Even if you have internet access and are on social media platforms or tools like Slack, it is natural to feel lonely. Here are some tips on how to not feel isolated when working remotely;

  • Take social breaks, if you can try and do something social outside of your workspace (home), like lunch with parents or friends, or just having friends over. You can also take a social break during a virtual session where you can use this time to connect with your team or it can be a 5-10 minutes break involving tea or coffee breaks.
  • Join local groups and participate in activities such as bird-watching, chess, or a sport. You could also join an art class, writing class, or a book club.
  • Join virtual working spaces, if you are unable to go to a physical working space joining virtual working spaces is the best alternative. You can join work sessions, social events, wellness courses, or even virtual lifestyle courses all through a virtual working space.

7. Distractions

Another of the unavoidable challenges of working from home. Working from home could come with some distractions.But this is also one that can be solved by putting processes in place. It will not be easy, especially in the beginning, to concentrate on your work when working from home. Because your new workspace will probably come with pets, children, snacks, television, etc. So, here’s what you can do;

  • If you find it hard to concentrate because of all the background noise, try listening to some calming music or sounds that help you focus, like forest sounds or rain sounds. Create a playlist or you can find one online.
  • Do not try to multitask. Prioritize your tasks, pinpoint the most important tasks and make sure you complete them before moving on to the next.
  • Use a to-do list or a daily calendar to break down your work. Planning your week is vital if you are working from home.
  • Identify the major distractions so that you can try to block them out before you start working. When you have fewer distractions to deal with you are more focused on your work.

8. Over-working

  • It is very common for remote workers to overwork themselves when personal life and work-life are both taking place in a shared space and shared time. For many, it is difficult to switch work-life off because there’s always something to do for the next day or next project. As a remote worker, there is no clear definition between work time starting and ending. Here are some tips to avoid overworking;
  • Set appropriate deadlines and daily work schedules. Make time for work, but also make time for yourself. Do not feel guilty about relaxing on off days or taking a break during work days. Ensure that you get some amount of exercise and relaxation time everyday. 
  • Set reminders to take breaks, you can use your phone alarm or download a separate application that reminds you to take a break.
  • Make use of applications such as Daywise Schedule Notifications and BuzzKill that enable you to schedule notifications, set different notification settings for different apps, make a rule of no work after-hours or at the dinner table. 
  • Make a distinction between work and personal life space. Try not to work on your bed or areas where you would like to relax. This will help change your mindset after you have finished work.

Working from home has its benefits, like flexible work schedules and working from any corner of the world. But it also has its fair shares of detriments. The pandemic has forced many industries to adapt to virtual business and work and without the structure of a traditional workspace, it can be a big change for some. So, consciously set up a routine and process for yourself to make sure you are just as productive while working from home, if not more, as you were working at the office.

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