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How Reflection Can Help You Advance Your Career

Reflective practice is the ability to reflect on one’s activities in order to engage in a continual learning process. In order to advance your career, you must keep learning throughout it. How a person handles various challenges, disputes, and pressures reveals a lot about the type of person they are, and it helps them consider where they lack and need to develop. Reflection is not only important for getting to know yourself better, but it can also help you advance your career, as senior management consultant Paul Catchlove explains in this TED YouTube video. Let us have a look at what Paul had to say about the role of the habit of reflection in your professional life.

Paul begins by claiming that the practice of reflection may help you improve your performance, make better decisions, and develop stronger relationships. According to him, the top five abilities required to be an effective leader are reflection, empathy, listening, thoughtfulness, and team growth. Reflection, according to Paul, is about learning through the experiences of our lives without judgment but with a critical eye. According to him, it is necessary to take an honest look at what happened, what worked, what did not work, and what can and cannot be done.

Since the habit of reflection may help you advance your career, Paul offers an effective strategy for putting it into practice. He advises that reflection can take many forms, including focused thought, written journal entries, audio notes, pitches, and a talk with a mentor or an honest friend. He claims that if you make frequent commitments, each of these tactics will succeed. After one has selected how to practice reflection, Paul believes that it is just a matter of examining what went wrong and what went right through a series of different situations and determining what measures may be taken to improve performance in the future. Finally, Paul believes that there are instances when one must choose between some really appealing options. When one cannot decide what choice to make based on reasoning, reflection, in his opinion, always comes to the rescue and helps one make decisions based on what they may actually desire.

Reflection has long been seen as a useful method of dealing with personality development. The aforementioned is how the same might be used to advance your career and improve your work life.


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