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4 Key Ways in Which Leaders Can Support Employees

Being in a leadership position entails fulfilling and catering to a range of multi-faceted responsibilities. The insurgence of the pandemic has made it necessary for leaders, more so than ever before, to pay proper heed and care to the challenges that employees are continually facing in this era of altering reality. In this article in allBusiness, Deborah Sweeney designates four key ways in which leaders can support employees dealing with burnout.

As one of the very steps to address the issue, Deborah recommends acknowledging the myriad of difficulties that employees are encountering as a disruption in the work-life balance, an intrusion into their psychological well being and so on. The ways in which leaders can support employees dealing with burnout must encompass the creation of a secure environment. Employees should feel safe and comfortable, articulating to their managers the difficulties that they are facing leading to burnout, Deborah explains. Only a clear channel of communication and interaction notwithstanding the constraints of professional regulation, will help in understanding and identifying the source of the problem, thereby, enabling the leader and the employee to formulate a solution, thereafter. Among the other ways in which leaders can support employees, listening is key, Deborah reminds. Only a leader willing to listen and devote attention to the issues of the employees will invoke trust and the confidence of employees, at large. Alongside, it is also important to ask crucial questions that will aid in unraveling the source of the burnout and the ways in which it can be potently targeted and resolved. As one of the final ways in which leaders can support employees dealing with burnout, the article recommends curating solutions together as a collective endeavor. Discussing potential solutions and practical techniques will help employees take the necessary steps for rectification that will target the issue right at the source and help them overcome it, in due time.

While it is essential for leaders and managers to pay heed to signs of burnout among employees and support them throughout, it is necessary to understand that there is no instant, standalone solution to resolve this issue. These potent ways in which leaders can support employees dealing with burnout are gradual steps to target the issue effectively and direct employees into moving to the right direction to transcend it, in the long run.

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