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Rethinking the Concept of Corporate Culture

The work culture has a profound impact on your employees’ performance, devotion, engagement, and production. Building a great work culture truly stimulates and engages people, resulting in higher job satisfaction and retention within the firm as well as reduced stress. The most prevalent definition of a healthy corporate culture has traditionally been one in which everyone feels involved in their job and is encouraged to give their all while engaging in healthy socializing. Nevertheless, is it a sufficient criterion for assessing the effectiveness of corporate culture? Let us explore what this Manager Tools podcast episode has to offer about the misinterpretation regarding company culture that has us thinking twice.

The episode emphasizes the significant idea that corporate culture is nothing more than the behaviors it supports. According to the episode, culture is nothing more than the aggregate of all the many kinds of behavior discovered to be a part of a certain institution. As a result, it is vital to notice the possibility of nested cultures, i.e., culture inside culture, as the episode implies. The episode suggests that various branches or even divisions of a business might have distinct cultures depending on the respective behaviors of the team members. Some people are outgoing and easygoing, while others are work-driven and concentrated. Hence, the episode suggests that instead of mistaking the company’s growth and enhancement efforts for culture, one should concentrate on improving one’s behavior with regard to others. Furthermore, the episode implies that managers have a huge obligation to look after the culture of the firm because they have the most individual interactions every day. As a result, they may very well carry out the work of correcting individual behaviors, which aids in the improvement of the corporate culture. Yet, the episode highlights that organizational values are not the same as organizational culture. Rather, it is the conduct that promotes corporate principles. Hence, in its conclusion, the episode suggests that more emphasis should be placed on the practice of behaviors that sustain organizational values to develop a fitting culture.

Corporate culture has a significant impact on employee performance and business success. The aforementioned are a few factors that will drive you to reassess your idea of corporate culture and will help you enforce it more effectively in the future.

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