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7 Types of CEOs


As you must know, CEOs are generally given a wide range of responsibilities to oversee, and it is expected of them to smoothly handle whatever is assigned to them. You must have seen different people handle the same task differently. The same way the tasks given to CEOs are handled in different ways. Let us look at different types of CEOs based on that.

There is more than one type of CEO, and in order to choose the correct one for the company, it is critical to understand the many types and natures of them in order to determine which one would meet the firm’s needs. This is done because often CEOs fail to satisfy the company’s requirements because there is a mismatch between the company’s agenda and the kind of CEO employed.

7 types of CEOs

Here are the 7 different types of CEOs.

  • Visionary CEO
    A visionary CEO among other types of CEOs is someone who is focused on the future and is always looking for ways to innovate and disrupt their industry. They have a clear understanding of the company’s long-term goals and are constantly working towards achieving them. They are not afraid to take risks and are willing to invest in new technologies and ideas that will give their company a competitive advantage.
  • Servant CEO
    A servant CEO is someone who puts the needs of their employees and customers above their own. They believe that by serving others, they can create a more successful and sustainable company. A servant CEO is one of the 7 types of CEOs that are committed to building strong relationships with their employees and customers and are always looking for ways to improve their experience.
  • Autocratic CEO
    An autocratic CEO is someone among the 7 types of CEOs who has complete control over their company and makes all decisions without seeking input from others. They are often seen as demanding and authoritarian, and can be difficult to work with. However, they are also known for their ability to make quick decisions and drive results.
  • Transformational CEO
    A transformational CEO is one of the 7 types of CEOs that are focused on transforming their company and industry. They are not satisfied with the status quo and are always looking for ways to improve their business. They are excellent communicators and are able to inspire and motivate their employees to achieve their goals.
  • Collaborative CEO
    A collaborative CEO believes in the power of teamwork and collaboration. They are committed to creating a culture of collaboration within their company and are always looking for ways to improve communication and build stronger relationships between teams. They are excellent listeners and are always open to feedback and ideas from their employees when compared to other types of CEOs.
  • Innovator CEO
    An innovator CEO is someone who is always looking for ways to innovate and improve their company. They are not afraid to take risks and are always looking for new and creative solutions to problems. They are committed to staying ahead of the curve and are always looking for ways to disrupt their industry.
  • Charismatic CEO
    A charismatic CEO among other types of CEOs is someone who has a magnetic personality and is able to inspire and motivate their employees. They are excellent communicators and are able to articulate their vision for the company in a way that resonates with their employees. They are often seen as natural leaders and are able to build strong relationships with their employees and customers.

Executive Education

To rise to the position of a CEO, there are certain executive education programs that would help.

MIT Professional Education Technology Leadership Program (TLP)

This is a multi-modular program delivered by MIT faculty on campus and virtually, geared towards the development needs of the next generation of technology CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, and emerging leaders. The program is designed for technology leaders and experienced practitioners from large corporations as well as startups—innovation-oriented firms that are focusing on leveraging emerging digital technologies to remain relevant and competitive in the marketplace. After completing TLP, you will be part of a cohort of global leaders and practitioners. You will also become an integral part of the global MIT Professional Education network and will be considered an alumni of TLP as well as MIT Professional Education.

MIT Professional Education | Technology Leadership Program

UCLA Post Graduate Program in Management for Executives (UCLA PGPX)

It is an extensive general management program offered by the UCLA Anderson School of Management, one of the world’s top business schools. It is a part-time program with a modular format that provides great flexibility for busy professionals, while the UCLA faculty and industry leaders ensure that the program covers all aspects of best-in-class management education expected from a highly respected and globally renowned institution. The UCLA PGPX will put you on the map of global leadership, with a combination of strategies, skills, and acumen that will stretch your thinking and hone your abilities as a leader and manager capable of achieving remarkable growth in your business. This program has been designed to expose the participants to management and business leadership essentials in an extensive general management curriculum that is designed to be experiential in learning and applied in focus.


Chicago Booth Accelerated Development Program (ADP)

The Chicago Booth ADP is a rigorous learning journey across 8 modules spread over 9 months and gives you access to the latest management thinking and tools. It is taught by an award-winning faculty at the Chicago Booth School of Business and accomplished senior business leaders. It creates an amazing opportunity to build a strong personal brand and competitively position yourself and your organization. ADP actively engages you in a collaborative learning environment with accomplished peers in London, New Delhi, and Chicago. The Chicago Booth Accelerated Development Program is designed for the global executive with a focus on delivering impact and leveraging the significant history of the Accelerated Development Program delivered across the globe, including London and India. The program is tailored for the busy schedules of senior professionals and is blended in design, with academic on-campus modules and off-campus experiences with online learning and live interactions to complement the on-campus experiences. You will build a global community of like-minded leaders and will become part of the Global ADP Network for life


To summarize, there are many different types of CEOs, each with their own unique leadership style and approach to management. Whether you are a visionary, servant, autocratic, transformational, innovator, turnaround, or charismatic CEO, the key to success is to understand your strengths and weaknesses and to surround yourself with a strong team that can help you achieve your goals. By being self-aware and adaptable, you can lead your company to success and create a culture of innovation, collaboration, and growth.

There are different types of CEOs, such as transformational, innovator, turnaround, or charismatic CEOs. To give an example, Tesla’s CEO – Elon Musk, would be considered an innovator CEO.

A CEO or chief executive officer, as a company’s highest-ranking executive makes the major decisions that affect the business, establishing a company culture, managing operations, and allocating resources

The average Chief Executive Officer salary in the United States is $812,010 as of January 26, 2023, according to

Leaders of the company such as CEO is responsible for creating a sound company culture.

An executive education program such as Chicago Booth Accelerated Development Program (ADP), can help you prepare for driving innovation in an organization.


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