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10 Habits to Learn From Successful People

Jim Probasco, a renowned freelance writer since 1990’s, former managing editor for The Activity Director’s Companion, retired music teacher and an ‘unremarkable fisherman’ as he calls himself, has written numerous articles around business, personal finance, stock market, and industry leaders. In this article, he has particularly written about 10 habits to learn from successful people, which we all should also adopt in our lives.

The first important habit of successful people is organization, because it helps us to prioritize and plan things. In fact, Jack Dorsey said that Sunday is the most important day for organizing the rest of the week. Then comes the habit of relaxation which is imperative in itself. Relaxation helps people to strengthen their minds before work starts. The third essential habit is to keep taking action because all planning without action is futile.

Most successful people believe in good personal care which includes a healthy diet, an exercise routine, and discipline. This is one of the most common and most important of the habits to learn from successful people. The next precious thing is that, it is only by positive attitude that a person progresses and succeeds in life. What goes without saying in the list, is the habit of networking which is of the utmost value when it comes to collaboration and teamwork. The author of Rich Habits and Rich Kids, Thomas Corley has even said that 79% of successful people invest at least five hours a month for networking.

Apart from these, frugality is also important. He suggests spending money and resources thoughtfully. Also inculcating the habit of rising early, and a belief in sharing is found in the most successful people. Finally, he gives the example of J.K.Rowling; Jim says that amongst the best habits of successful people, their reading habits are paramount. So, just as J.K.Rowling said, “Read as much as you possibly can. Nothing will help you as much as reading.”

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