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Is Facial-recognition Justifiable?

The use of facial-recognition technology has garnered considerable popularity across diverse sectors by virtue of its variegated applications. Alexander Todorov from Chicago Booth along with Wilma A. Bainbridge and Ben Zhao from the University of Chicago attempts to critically analyze whether facial-recognition is justifiable in crucial junctures, in this video from Chicago Booth Review.

To begin with, the discussion delves into the importance accorded to first impressions when it comes to evaluating people. Facial-recognition is often employed in this context to further crucial decision-making at key junctures, the video reveals. Even though such applications ease and simplify the procedure, they evoke concerns related to privacy as well as the justifiability of such a practice in pivotal decision-making, Todorov asserts. The scope to manipulate, alter or even misrepresent features, as per the video, further jeopardizes the authenticity of facial-recognition technology in different contexts. The first step towards maneuvering through this digital apparatus, the speakers reveal, is therefore to be well-informed and understand the implications of facial-recognition so as to protect self-privacy and uphold authenticity in this technologically-driven reality.

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