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First Executive Education Program

Guide to Your First Executive Education Program

So, you are at that stage in your career where you have garnered a good few years of experience, managed a good few teams, and climbed a good few steps up the corporate ladder to be able to sit back, re-evaluate, and say, you want to do more.

Making the decision to do an executive education program is not always an easy one, but once you have made that decision and picked your preferred program, spend some time preparing and understanding what you need to do before, during, and after the program to make the most of the experience.

For those in the decision stage, maybe this will help;

Types of Learning Undertaken and Considered by Individuals

*Source: CarringtonCrisp Executive Education Futures 2018 Study

On the occasion that your company is sending you for an executive education program so that you might bring back some valuable lessons for the company, here are some of the factors to consider.

Also Read: Executive Education Trends 2024

Considerations made by Employers when Selecting a Provider of Executive Education

*Source: CarringtonCrisp Executive Education Futures 2018 Study

To prepare yourself for a big positive change in your career, dwell on below considerations.

1. Intention

It is important to begin your executive education journey with a clear intention of what you want to gain from it. Considering these programs are curated for senior professionals with years of experience, they are particular in what they disseminate and are usually not of a general nature. So having a particular intention yourself will help align with the program better and therefore you will be able to take away more from it too.

2. Goals

Make sure you set clear goals you want to achieve with your first executive education program. Whether it is a particular part of the curriculum you want to go in depth about, a certain business problem you hope to solve, or creating healthy relationships with your peer group, making a list of goals before hand will help you achieve them more efficiently.

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3. Plan ahead

Depending on the program you have enrolled into, you will have a schedule that you will need to work into your current schedule. Unless it is a full-time program. Either way, make sure you prepare for the time you will need not only for the program, but also for the possible online sessions, feedback sessions, capstone project, and more. This might mean reorganizing and scheduling some things ahead of time so that you can accommodate the requirements of the program.

4. Expectations

If you are being sponsored by your company, make sure to understand what the company expects from you after the completion of the program. If they have a plan in mind, which they most likely will, for the skills you bring back with you, make sure to understand to what extent so that you can focus on that at the program.

5. Share your thoughts

It is important to engage with the faculty and/or the program advisors during your time at the program. Share your doubts, concerns, thoughts, and opinions and get their take on it. This will widen your perspective and allow you to expand your own perspectives. If there is a certain business problem you are hoping to solve, speaking with them can help you combat it. Take active participation in your own learning.

6. Take notes

Or do whatever it is you are comfortable with to retain information. Do this during the program as well as after its completion, when it is still fresh in your mind. You could also give your team a debrief on the lessons you have learned at the program. Teaching is always the best teacher.

Finally, understand that with any learning experience, there will be short term and long term achievements which you will see over time. Give yourself the time to put the experience into practical use and then plan for the next one!

Also Read: Executive Education Programs: What Happens Next?


Question – Why is intention an important step towards your first executive education program?

Answer – It is important to have a clear intention of what you want to gain from your first program. Since these programs are curated for senior professionals, they are particular in what they disseminate, so having a particular intention yourself will help align with the program better.

Question – Why are expectations important to keep in mind if the program is company sponsored?

Answer – If it is a company-sponsored program, then it is important to understand what the company expects from you after you have completed the program.

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