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How You Can Effectively Use LinkedIn During the Pandemic

On the 100th episode of the Repurpose Your Career podcast, host Mark Miller speaks with the LinkedIn Strategies Coach, creator and host of the Foote-notes podcast Andy Foote, about how to use LinkedIn during the pandemic.

The expert duo discussed what job seekers ought to be doing differently during the pandemic to stand out from the crowd. While acknowledging that the pandemic is challenging for job seekers, Foote expressed that the candidates need to be aware of how to use LinkedIn and what their LinkedIn page talks about. They need to be more prepared than before to make a difference.

Even more so now than before, LinkedIn during the pandemic is not about sending irrelevant connection requests and building connections only to increase numbers. Instead, it’s the best tool for job seekers to initiate valuable conversations to make relevant connections, impress people with similar business interests, take time to create relevant posts, and write engaging articles that help attract clients, as well as customers.

They further discuss the newsletter feature of LinkedIn and how it can help attract subscribers. While talking about content creation, Foote suggests that before getting into content creation one should do enormous research to understand what sort of content does well and receives high user engagement in order to understand it well and succeed in the content production business. According to him, social polling is great strategy to understand users’ interests and decide what content you should post to generate higher user engagement.

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