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The Role of Machine Learning in Scientific Translation

When it comes to sharing your thoughts as someone who may be utterly unfamiliar with their audience’s native language, it becomes extremely difficult to convey the same meaning as you would in the language you feel most comfortable speaking. Finding someone who can make excellent translations becomes critical in such instances. However, paying someone to interpret for you may not always be your first choice. This is a typical issue for researchers since, even with translations, their study may not have the same meaning. It will only work if they do the translations themselves. Tools for translating can be useful, but they are unsuccessful in delivering content that is even near to what and how it was intended. As a result, this article on the Berkeley News website proposes how machine learning might aid in the performance of successful translations, which could be of great use to scholars.

Machine learning in scientific translation

The article begins by analyzing how technologies for translating other languages can completely undermine the meaning of the information and even fail to frame it effectively. Even if the paper is translated using the tools available, there is still a need to manually revise the material because tools cannot be totally depended upon. This does not address the issue of the high expense of paying someone to translate for you. The article views English as the dominating language of science and claims that it is the most difficult barrier for scientists who are not native English speakers. The article then outlines a few tools that may be utilized by individuals all around the world to make scientific papers more accessible to non-English speakers since publishing papers in multiple languages will only benefit better science communication. The article argues that machine learning has the capacity to fix this problem for the benefit of society. The article considers DeepL, a neural network-based technology that promises to be several times more accurate than competitors when translating English into Chinese, Japanese, Romance languages, or German, and vice versa. Another excellent tool mentioned is Baidu Translate, a service provided by the Chinese Internet giant Baidu that initially focused on translating between English and Chinese. Naver Pagago and Yandex.Translate are some other tools that can be used as suggested in the article. Finally, the article discusses why translation is crucial, stating that most journals would not accept publications that are not in English, and just a handful explicitly allow publication of works with translations. However, utilizing the tools listed above, you may be able to accomplish a conventional translation.

It is tough yet necessary to be able to explain your ideas and opinions to those who do not speak your native language. You may accomplish this with the help of the machine learning tools listed above.

Learn about other technologies with a focus on innovation and growth with Berkeley Executive Program in Management (Berkeley EPM) by the University of California.

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