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How to Prevent the Circulation of Misinformation?

In the technologically-reliant world that we inhabit today, the fact that social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and others exponentially determine the aftermath of global affairs at large, perhaps, cannot be overstated. As powerhouses of information, the manner in which they accumulate and perpetuate extensive data sometimes amounting to misinformation and misrepresentation, however, is one shrouded in perpetual mystery. In order to prevent the circulation of misinformation, therefore, research scholars have designated certain specific measures, each of which has been elaborately discussed, in this article on Berkeley News.

The first step, as per the article, to prevent the circulation of misinformation by leading social media portals, is to maximize transparency when it comes to the analysis of available data. It is essential to bear in mind that while the cultivation of such data and their eventual utilization does garner apparent profitability in varied contexts, however, refusing to unearth and understand the exact mode of associated functionalities, however, amounts to furthering potential risks and disregarding the impediments that might come along, in the way. In order to secure democracy and prevent the circulation of misinformation, therefore, the article prescribes formulating concrete legal frameworks coupled with extensive studies to critically assess the issue and combat it gradually.

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