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Effective Time Management Tactics

If there is one aspect that can enhance productivity on its own, it is the skill of time management. People who are always under the strain of deadlines and a lack of time to keep up must carefully assess what activity consumes the majority of their time. Time management is a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life. And it is a necessary ability if you want to advance in your career. As a result, leadership consultant Zena Everett shares a few excellent time management methods in this episode on the ‘How to Be Awesome at Your Job’ podcast.

Effective Time Management Tactics 

Zena begins by claiming that we have subjugated productivity to individuals performing more and more work rather than choosing a meaningful job. She believes that being busy all day with no time to reflect on oneself and one’s activities is really detrimental. However, she emphasizes that, while staying occupied may appear to be uncontrollable, it is a deliberate process. She suggests that people often consider staying busy to be a productivity boost. However, she believes both of these to be diametrically opposed, as she sees remaining active as a primary cause for slowing down.

She claims that having too many individuals working on the same project implies having too many competing viewpoints, which will inevitably slow down procedures. She also regards excessive organizational complexity as a source of disorientation. Some firms have far too many systems and processes, which burdens the personnel to work extra than required. She views all of them to be needless and leading factors in disturbing one’s time management criteria. She believes that effective prioritizing is essential for effective time management. One must prioritize all aspects of their employment and devote specified time frames to completing each activity one by one. Finally, she examines how people often take on more than they can do in a certain time frame simply because they find it difficult to say no.


To prevent overburdening oneself, it is critical to have a thorough discussion with your leader about the difference between how much you can truly achieve and how much they anticipate. As a result, learning how to effectively say no to extra work is an efficient method of managing your time. Time management is a critical skill that every employee must master. The ideas listed above will help you learn how to manage your time successfully.

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